Sunday, September 20, 2009

History of America. //Columbus


Righr now I'm reading story about the Columbus's voyage.

Columbus and his men set sail for Asia. They sled and sail

for two months, so long they thought they were lost.

They had only three ships : the Nina, the Pinta, and the Santa Maria.

The sailors were just about to make Columbus turn back when they

saw an island. They thought this was near India. That's why they gave

the natives of America the wrong name. They called them Indians.

Descendants of these natives of America still call themselves Indians,

but they are also called Native Americans. Columbus and his men

had upon a new world. That was in the year 1492.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

History of America

2.5 hours

Chapter 1-2

Right now I'm reading about the Native Indians
The ancestors of the American Indians came from
Asia long,long time ago.They came during the Ice
Age when the were lower and Alaska was attached
to Asia by a land bridge.Then , about twelve thousand
ago, when ice melted, the land bridge was covered by
ocean water. You can see how long the Indians have
been in America.
The first Americans who came over the land bridge
probably followed the animals they hunted. They
spread from Alaska to tip of South America. These
people were not all alike. They must have come from
different parts of Asia. They must have come at different
times. They certainly settled in different types of place
in this New World and adapted themselves to the lands
they settled. In Mexico and Central and south America
they built cities and temples and called themselves the
Maya, the Aztecs, and the Incas.